Marylee Towry
Agent, Realtor®

Licensing: 347805
Marylee Towry
Agent, Realtor®

Licensing: 347805


I have been a licensed real estate salesperson for 27 years. I have lived in Pinellas County for 34 years. My field of expertise is obtaining income and second home properties for my clients. I also have a subspecialty in housing for first time home buyers. I work with many lenders who will draw up customer loans. My background is a Legal Assistant. I have worked for two attorneys who specialize in real estate contract law. I have been a title examiner and closing agent. I feel this strong legal background helps me immensely with my real estate career. I have many clients with whom I have sold numerous properties. I also have built my business on solid referrals. I have a large presence on the internet and have subscribed to many real estate related web sites. My strength is in helping sellers obtain their highest and best price for their property, while reducing their closing costs. I help buyers find the right property that suits their needs. If you are my client, I will be with you every step of the way....from locating the property, writing the contract and attending your final closing.

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